So here is what has regretfully become my once weekly blog posting. I swear I'm going to make more of an effort to post daily, but hey, thats ok, I have a superb memory for minor forgettable details.
Now that I have assimilated (quite peacefully) into the life of being an American Werewolf in London,I am happy to be that Werewolf. Wait, what am I talking about? Sorry it's 4:30am.
Ok Lets Begin.
So Friday I slept in because I always sleep in. I woke up hungover and made my way down to the international office to switch out of my "Music and Culture" class, solely because it was more culture than music, and I switched into American and British Musical Theater, so that rules.
Later that day it was agreed that we were going to ride the "London Eye" last. The eye is ideally a Ferris Wheel, but Ferris Wheel is too much of a negative term for something like this. The term "Ferris Wheel" brings up (to me at least)gaseous imagery of non-romantics feebly and uncreativley impressing each other by proving that they are capable of love and awkward bony hand holding 50 feet above the St.Ambrose Carnival. LAME.
The Eye is a humongous observation wheel (there you go) where you can go and see all of London from the very top. It's something that we had always seen in passing, impressive during the day but more like, I dunno, important looking at night. It's something that most tourists should do, and you can see it on like any postcard in London.
We took the bus to it and first we were greeted with the "4D" experience, which was a weird little 3D show...the 4th dimension was the security guard checking for food or drink before we entered I believe, and soon we were off. I didn't bring my camera because I really wanted to take the whole thing in, and it worked out nicely. We rode it as the sun was setting so it was pretty cool to see all the lights of London and Big Ben turning on as we got closer to that top. The eye could be potentially very romantic if you ever have the POUNDS to get a private ride with champagne...I imagine it's a great place to fall in love...but only at night. During the day it's a bit like going to the liberty science center, but I think at night it could be really really worthwhile for your soul.
Also, if it didn't have glass, It'd be the best. I wanted to feel the air coming off the Thames from that high up.
We had a lot of fun on the wheel, taking pictures and such in front of all of London as our backdrop. Weird Europeans asked me to take several pictures for them. This happens to me a lot here, people ask me to take pictures for them. I'm bad at stuff, so I usually take the worst picture of all time and they grumpily choke out "thank you" before ranting in presumably Russian about what a moron I am.
After the wheel we goofed around in the gift shop for a bit, and I saw a really cool British Flag hat that I wanted...maybe I'll go back and get it. After that we laid in the grass outside and stared at the sky and the eye and the London skyline. I was really enjoying this because I love greenery and I felt like I haven't seen it in a while, and lying on the grass in London looking at London had this really peaceful dualistic quality. Every time I give myself a second to cool off I think about how lucky I am to be where I am with the people I'm with, things really couldn't be more perfect right now. I have been thinking lately about how a few years ago I was working 60 hours a week at the Game Room during this time, sad and confused to be out of high school and a member of the working class, and now I'm lying on London grass feeling pretty good about myself, wondering what the fuck I did to deserve this. Absolutely nothing. That's why I plan on taking none of this for granted.
Now it was time to head off, as the nights usually go, to drink, in London.
Me Kate and Daria reallly want to go to this place, "The Shakespeare's Head" to drink, but it just wasn't in the cards that night. We had to help our friend find a bus home, which took kind of long, so we wanted to just go to the first pub we saw. We got lost for a little bit by the bank of the Thames, and I remember saying how great it is to get lost in London, because you just get to look at wonderful stuff....I'm fascinated by the Thames by the way, don't know if anyones picked up on that yet.
We crossed the footbridge to the other side of the Thames, which was reallllllllly great. It was so nice to walk across and I felt human. I love that footbridge. After some more searching, We decided to eat at a pub called the "silver cross". I ordered fish and chips, which was AWESOME again, even though this time it was literally in the shape of a fish just deep fried. Than, I finally tried Fuller London's Pride Ale...5 times. I was trying to drink six but the bar closed. Me, Jose, Kate, Emily, Kelly, and Chris enjoyed a really good night there though, I was having a blast.
After that we left in search of a new bar. They wanted to stop in this one place just to pee, but I ordered two Spanish beers and Jose and I drank them, it was one of the weirdest beers I've ever tasted in my life.
After that we went back to the flat, I drank an entire bottle of wine, stayed up till 7:30am, and sang "goodnight sweetheart" with Jose all night. It was a perfect night, and that was just Friday.
On Saturday I slept until 3:30 in the afternoon. At about 5, Kelly and I ate dinner (Franklin st chicken), and at about 6, everyone came over just to stay in and drink a bit. I had a good time hanging out in my kitchen, Kate wound up getting locked out of her room and it was fun asking Francis the security guy to let her in at 5am. Francis is weird. I don't even know if his name is Francis, it could be Charles. I had a solid night, playing drinking games and stupid kids from Italy.
OK, so I stayed up again that night till 7:30am totally drunk, and we were supposed to wake up at 11am to take a tour of the British Museum. I woke up drunk, Kate was hungover, everyone was tired as a collective. We took an hour bus ride to the museum, but I was too hungover to focus on what the tour guide was saying.
We just decided to leave and try again some other time, we were all too tired and hungover.
I did see the Rosetta stone before I left though, which is cool because I mean, well cmon it's the fucking Rosetta stone.
That night we just hung out in my room and I played guitar and we just had fun.
Monday I had class. I took a tour of the Museum of London which was really interesting because London at one point burned down in a fire, so we learned all about that and saw a lot of interesting relics and stuff from the fire. St. Paul's Cathedral initially burned in 16somethin, and the model in the museum of the old St. Paul's is older than America. This is a cool place if you should ever get the chance to check it out.
Later I had poetry, which was fun. I had coffee with my professor afterwords and we talked about British poets I haven't heard of. It's cool to hang with your professors.
Tuesday I had British and American Musical class, cool professor. I don't LOVE musical theater but I can dig this class.
Tuesday night our friend Vaughn bought like 9 cases of Budweiser and threw a bit of an American party. There was beer pong and stuff, it was fun to pretend we were at home...oh yeah and it was TACO NIGHT again, and that was bangin! TACOS RULE <3!.
Later that night Kate, Kelly, and I went back to my kitchen to cook the remaining taco meet in omlets. These were very tasty. After this, I stayed up really late with Katie and exchanged life stories and ideas. I'm really getting to know the people I'm hanging with, and it feels good.
At about 6am, Kate and I set out to watch the sunrise at my favourite spot in London by the Thames in front of St. Pauls, and we raced against the sky and made it there in time for a rainy sunrise. I really enjoyed showing her this spot, because it is literally my favourite spot in the entire world. My favourite spot used to be the cement block by the dirt road in old bridge, but this is kind of like that on a larger scale...We walked across the millennium bridge, and talked about architecture, London, Shakespeare, and everything else there is to talk about when in London. It was one of the best nights I've had here, and I'm finding that these experiences are better when you share them with someone else, now that I've surrounded myself with great people I now call friends, this has become easier.
I got in at 9:30am, and went to sleep feeling good. Slept till four, woke up, saw an awful av ant guard show about Nazis, went to the HOBOBLIN, went home, now I'm here.
Oh and I had a burger on ciabatta bread from McDonalds...give me a break.
More to come
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
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stop spelling favorite, favourite!
ReplyDelete... lori.... he's in england... it's a requirement....