Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Being SICK

So I've been sick. No big deal really. I spent literally 48 hours, updating this blog, and sleeping. The other night I went to sleep literally thinking I was going to die in my sleep. I was coughing out of control, sweating, feverish, cold, hot, cold, hot, anxious. Terrible.

Woke up Monday and went to the Tate Britain because I had to for a class but I was so sick that I almost threw up on the floor of the Tate Britain, so I walked away and hacked my brains out in the gift shop for most of the tour.

I slept all day, woke up for an hour, slept all night.

Woke up today, I had a pretty productive day even though I didn't physically do much. I went to my British and American Musical theater class and daresay, I enjoyed myself? I liked talking about Billy Elliot, because it is SUCH a fascinating musical, like it is so good. I really loved it. Best musical I've ever seen.

After that we had Taco Tuesday and Chris outdid himself and made a really great rice. I think when I told him how much I liked it he assumed I was mocking him, but no really it was actually fabulous. It was blogworthy. I'm excited for his apple pie on Thanksgiving, Apple Pie being my favourite thing in the entire world, and I know he will do it right. It was a great Taco Tuesday, Gam's bean dip was also great, and I thought it was a night of real natural conversation. I enjoyed it.
I abstained from drinking, still feeling sick,and went back into my cave.

I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving although I wish I had more to offer. I can't cook really, I mean I helped cooked Thanksgiving in Franklin Street last year but that just consisted of me drinking and laughing at Justin, and cutting what he told me to cut.
Wow I can't believe it was a year ago today we had Thanksgiving, and I spent the night sleeping in Melissa's bathtub telling her I hated her and that she ruined Thanksgiving, all because she didn't like my pants...well, that's a story for a different day isn't it?

It's weird that I'll be spending Thanksgiving with my new friends this year instead of my cousins and family. They're going to be so bored at home without me. No but really. They are. It doesn't affect me much. Family is just who you're with and who you need.

Tonight I spent the whole night on the internet. I had a long aim chat with Meg, a long Skype with Gerry, and I'm feelin about ready to get back home and see these people in the real world so I don't just exist as welovethe60s/wedrinkthe40s. I also wrote a stupid poem as a joke about Thanksgiving, because I didn't want to write a paper and I have no life.

I really should start writing these papers.

I have drank 8 cartons of orange juice in the past two days.
I'm doing okay.

Next week I'm going to start planning out my packing. This includes donating lots of clothes. I have to figure out what needs to stay in London and what needs to come home.
I wish I was a female so I could make a scrapbook of this trip.

Again, I'm in a weird place in my life right now where I'm not feeling manic. I'm not having huge, sweeping episodes of unbridled happiness and equally huge backbreaking episodes of sadness. I don't long for anything and I'm not dwelling, I feel really just, like how I always imagined normal people feel as they go about their day. Excited when it stops raining because it's safe to go outside and sad about a newspaper headline. I feel like, normal,. Calm. I need something to shake things up again. Nobody ever did anything great if they weren't starving for something. Content leads to blogs like this, blogs about rice.

Am I bored?

"When you grow tired of London, you grow tired of life"



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